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FIVA World Motorcycle Meeting 2013 in Lettland

Verfasst: 22.10.2013 20:04
von RuediKehl
FIVA World Motorcycle Meeting 2013 in Lettland

Leider war ich nicht dabei.

Juris Ramba hat mir aber Bilder und Hinweise zu Videos geschickt.

Diese sind auf rechts unten unter Lettland_2013 zu finden.

Die Videos habe ich auf der Album-Startseite eingebettet.
Es sind beinahe 2 Stunden Video. Liebevoll gemacht und spannende Bilder.


Re: FIVA World Motorcycle Meeting 2013 in Lettland

Verfasst: 22.10.2013 22:07
von RuediKehl
Sorry, war ein Schreibfehler im Script.

Die Album-Startseite kommt jetzt richtig. Mit Videos etc ...


Re: FIVA World Motorcycle Meeting 2013 in Lettland

Verfasst: 23.10.2013 12:01
von RuediKehl
Juris hat mir heute noch den folgenden Text geschickt:

The FIVA World Motorcycle Rally in Latvia for 2013 – on 18th – 21st July was officially organized by the Antique Automobile Club of Latvia (AAK) for historic motorcycle club enthusiasts from several participating countries. This International Touring (IT) rally was based on a 10-year-old tradition of the Kurland Rally which has been designed and organized by the club veteran Juris Ramba with participation of the RAMOTO Ltd. company, his family and his small team of helpers since 2003. There were 80 motorcycles on the Rally Entry List from 15 countries, such as Canada, the US, Greece, Italy, Switzerland, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Germany, Britain, Holland, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Estonia and Latvia. 78 machines and 100 people actually participated. There were more than 20 makes of motorcycles represented.

It was a 4-day event comprising a Social Run and a 3-day Reliability Road Trial, visiting 9 castles in historic Courland and Semigalia. The distance was over 500 kilometres. Roughly one half of it went by the coastal road close to the Baltic sea.

The accent was on visiting historic castles and places of interest as well as enjoying Latvian cousine in good atmosphere, local hospitality and listening to concerts with different kinds of musical genres for entertainment. The gala dinner was hosted by the Jelgava Amoplant bus factory.

Despite a somewhat wet start when one month’s precipitation norm came down in 2 hours, the optimism, the goodwill and the spirit of the organizers -- masters of comic relief, kept everyone busy and happy.

The event was run entirely by enthusiasts and volunteers -- without any sponsorship as such.

The participants were riding in small groups of 8 to 10 motorcycles in each, with 2 helpers in coloured bibs on modern motorcycles. These helpers were like „ papa and mamma” for the 4 days of the event, ensuring that the participants did not have to bother about the route and programme timing.

Our 2 regular professional photographers from previous Kurland Rallies had been instructed to take photos against all kinds of unique to Latvia backgrounds, like the Ventas Rumba -- the widest waterfall in Europe, collection of life-sized dolls at Sabile town and others. A group photograph was made in the courtyard of the Jelagava palace which is celebrating 275 years since it was built and 150 years since the University of Agriculture is situated in this unique building, designed by the famous Italian architect Bartolomeo Rastrelli.

At prize presentation each participating team received a ceramic plate and each participant received a ceramic mug -- all hand-made with tree root handles from the swamps of Kurland – they were displaying a special FIVA World Motorcycle Rally Latvia - 2013 embossed Logo with a motorcycle in the middle.

Our FIVA Steward Mr. David Davies (UK) has praised the event as well organized and well run and that it lived up to the aims and the objectives of FIVA -- in true Kurland Rally spirit.

Re: FIVA World Motorcycle Meeting 2013 in Lettland

Verfasst: 24.10.2013 08:17
von Ducati
Super Videos Ruedi!
Wo ist das nächste VIVA Meeting 2014? Kennst du die Teilnahme- Bedingungen?
Danke für deine Antwort.
Gruss Ducati

Re: FIVA World Motorcycle Meeting 2013 in Lettland

Verfasst: 24.10.2013 09:59
von RuediKehl
Nicht meine Lorbeeren! Ich habe die Videos nur auf die Seite verlinkt.
Gedreht haben diese die Leute vor Ort.
Allerdings bin ich auch begeistert davon.
Die Bilder ebendort hat mir der Veranstalter geschickt. Ich habe sie veröffentlicht, damit sie den Teilnehmern und
Interessierten zugänglich sind.

Der 2014er FIVA Anlass ist in der Schweiz.
Der etwas abenteuerliche Link dazu auf der FAM Seite: ... usenrennen
